Monday 27 January 2014

Mosters, Myths and Legends (27.01.2014 : 12.05.2014)


                              Start date: 27/01/2014
                              End date: 12/05/2014

Monday, 27th January

Today is the starting date to our new brief called monsters, myths and legends.

  • LEGENDS - A legend is a story that as been passed down by one person to the next and is well know by many.
  • MYTHS - A story based on tradition or a legend which as some truth but as been changed. 
I will search into;
  • Brands
    • Pokemon 
    • Temagotchi
    • Digimon
    • Moshi Monster
    • Skylanders
  • Games
    • Perfect World
    • Runescape
    • Conquer
    • Eudemons
    • Legend of Edda
    • Aura Kingdom
  • Story (books or/and films)
    • Neverending Story
    • Alice in Wonderland
    • The Wizard of Oz
    • Niagara/ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
    • Batman
    • Spired Man
    • Lord and the rings

what we are asked to do at the end;
  • In illustration, we have been asked to design our own monsters, myths and legends and make a digital illustration for the graphics packaging.

  • In 3D, we have been asked to make a 3D model from the design in illustration by the 3D printer.

  • In graphics, we have asked to make packaging for the model with the digital design we are making in illustration of a sessions of monsters, myths and legends of our designs.

we have to make a new design for our own monsters, myths or legend so I have to start by doing some research on other design such as mummies, zombies and vampires. for this I can also watch films such as horror to find out the background story of each monster. I am going to also do research on a children's online game with cute and plushy characters.

Moshi Monsters

Moshi Monsters is a online game for a young age group. This is become a popular band and is a successful business that as increase the make 3D models that are a collectable session, such as gold, silver and movie. My young brother is a big fan of Moshi and as been nice to let me take photo's of his models with the packaging tin. I also took a photocopy of the collectable cards.

the image above shows the tin open with all of the Moshi inside, the other images show the design on the tin such as this is showing the Moshi Monster movie that was out at the end off last year (20th December, 2013)

Some of the Moshis the fans collect are the same moshi but in a different colour or for a special occasions such as the children in need tin with the moshis white with colourful spots like Pudsey's eye patch.

<-- the image is shown below to show what I'm on about -->

"I like this idea, it's cute and fun for young people such as my brother."
"He also as books with fun games and comics that keeps him busy for hours"
" My brother says his favourite character is called Katsuma, Katsuma is in the from of a rabbit that stands on 2 legs, he is a bright orange with a darker orange for the marking on his ears and hands" 
"the stroke is the same dark orange
"the designs is more cute and plushly then say a mummy"

This above is a photo of a rare Katsura model from my brother collection.
the model could be made of acrylic plastic, made in 2 half's then clicks in place, them may of been made from a 3D printer or by a mold the put for set. 
The high for this moshi is 4.3cm and the width of 2.5cm.

In my opinion, the size of this model is to small for young children, however at the bottom of the tin its say 4+ and a waring, this would give the buyer a idea that there are small parts.

the image below show this clearly 

this would give me a idea of what I will need on my packaging such as 

brand make, 
warning message, 
whats inside,
safe logos,
bar code,
item number,
digital images,
other items
location of where made e.g. China

My ideas form my design

I don't want the model to be small but the size to fit in the palm of the hand

the figure below is of  Lee Pai Long (AKA White Dragon) and is from the animation called "Shaman King"
I have add this because I like the size and it's not to small but still easy to carry around.
(high 7.4cm width 5cm) 

Lee Pai Long

Thursday, 30th January


Pokemon started in 1996 and was designed by Satoshi Tajiri. I have picked Pokemon because of the the Pokemons designs and powers. Like Moshi, they have a smiler style with design with a cute, friendly theme. this could show the target audience is between the ages of 6 - 15+ .

I like the way Tajiri was at it were to character as a baby form, a teen from and a Adult form, this is shown below 

I also find this piece of work on 'DevianArt' by the name MickMcDee.

I like the layout of the work and the colour added to each one.
I think, the artist as coloured this in colour pencil but it is easy to see the change in each one. 
Also this show develop in each character. 

May of been done in a blue pen, I like the way this looks and the style.
Again this shows develops in each image.

Just like Moshi's, Pokemon also do figures to that are collectable.
Also you can get the collectable cards with the info and image of each Pokemon. 
such as this one here

(5cm high)

the image above is from the well known cartoon called "Pokemon"

This is the 'fun zone' where the viewer can pick from number of game 
such as the game below.

Just like Moshi, Pokemon as also done online game but in a different way such as the image above of a game called 'Tasty Treat Toaster'
Pokemon as not come up with the full game but just as the pokemon design and layout.

Again this game is simple design but as the character next to the game, the theme of game is again the same as Moshi's games.

In my opinion, I like the colours, theme and layout. Also the game is fun and can be for all ages.
You can play the games for free online with out downloading also you can log in for free to get more add ons.


Known as 'Digimon Monsters', Digimon started in 1997 as a virtual pet in a 'Tamagotchi' form (this also links with the plot in the cartoon). The plot was about the main character finds a  Digi egg and becomes a pet that he grow up with and become his best friend, he finds himself in a digimon world with more virtual pet with other Digimon master his age.

This image above is the 'Digimon' virtual world however the viewer as to download the game to play.

the game above is a free game online however in hard to play because it's not all in English.

the link to the game is shown below;

As you can see above, this game as steps with the pet growing up also you can do the base some such as feed, sleep and care for your pet online pet.

This online game lets the viewer play for free to give a 'Digimon Master' experience, this game is a one person game where you don't play along with others.
The game is as the style and layout of a 'Tamagotchi', this shows the style theme from 1997, when Digimon first started.

Friday. 31th January 


Tamagotchi are a virtual pet just like 'Digimon' however it was not a animation or a detailed game in colour but a pocket pet on a keyring

The icons where blurred and pixelated as for the pet itself, it was made up of small black dots moved to seem like the pet was moving. The image of the pet was flat and could only been seen by the side view this also shows the time of which tamagotchi where first made.

Tamagotchis started back in 1996 and was first released in Japan (1997 in Europe and America) this can be shown in the colours and shape the this was targeted at a young age group.
I have pick the brand to write about because again it is a successful toy and is still around to day, I also like the shape becuase it smooth and safe from all ages, this is also something I had as a child and remember well, I also like the layout with the logo above the animated image and the opinions below with the name of what it dose above, the size is the best part in my eyes because it's easy to move and to take on the go.

today's tamagotchis

the year 2000s tamagotchis have been develop over the years but is still a successful toy, is as the same shape and size as 1997 but now you user can play long with other just by taping the two together.
they still have the pixelated look but with more detailed now with a background behind the pet (almost like a rug and wallpaper)
This gives a more friendly theme and more of a up to date time.

as you can see, the layout is still the same however the theme of the top out cover this more friendly and modem. 

Also, tamagotchis have develop they work into other toy from young and older cildren such as

Soft Toys

DS games


I have picked Skylanders because of the characters designs, Skylanders is a game for the wii, xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. For this I did some reasuch on Youtube to find out what Skylanders are and this is what I find.

this is the opening of the game, and it shows a human head tell you the legend of Skylanders and you part, This give a old medevil theme to me.

the animation shows the good and evil characters, this is also as well know voice actors from cartoons, soon of the characters are anthropomorphic.
I picked Skylander also because of the fact that to play the game you need to collect the figures to play as the character in the game, also the figures come in parts so you can add two elements together the make a stronger character. I think this is a awesome idea for all the family the only down side is the cost of each figure (e.g. £15 per figure).

In my opinion I would make my to be like this with a number of designs for each one in a upgrade from like Digimon. 

(each character as almost a symbols to show which element, this is also learning young children about matching images to body-copy)  

~"Again I like the idea of a element for each monster almost giving a title or a class to give more info on each."~
"I will add this in with my work, I like the designs better with Skylanders and also I the fact of having free fun games like Moshi and Pokemon and the steps of growing up like Digimon and Pokemon as."

"I find this importion to show signs of within my figure to show that this would be successful in the future."


package is important because it keeps the figure safe and stop it from breaking, also it helps to sell to figure an lets buyers know what it is.

I have looked up some fun package ideas for all kind of objects such as food to shoes.

I picked this one because of the colours and the friendly theme. The colour of the package show the flaver of the inside of the biskit. The shape helps make the object stand out on the side. The package is to sell biskits, we know this by the image on the box shows a number of shapes with images of a cute panda on, simple but nice. to help to sell this they have the name with a panda popping up over the text this is fun and cute.

This idea is simple by again friendly, I like the idea there are a boy one and a girl one this is also shown with colour and design, again this help make it stand out however is not clear with shows the object inside.

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