Wednesday 4 September 2013

Starting College

OLD and NEW Unit 2

At the beginning of the week I met a lot of new people, and was very nervous but excited at the same time. I was not nervous about meeting new people but nervous about the work we would have. However I know I'm one step closer to what a want in life and that is why I am excited.

I have to say I have never blogged before so it is all new and will be a big help to write down key things or what I'm going to do or say how or when I've do it.

Summer Project

I did my work on my PC at home and I will print it out at college on Monday.

I tried to keep the theme with to background, I have made it with basic shapes in Photoshop.
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Monday 2nd September 
On Monday we where put in groups and had to find out something about one another, but I was to shy to talk.

Tuesday 3rd September 

Tuesday was more fun because I started to take part more and started to get to know people more but still can't remember there names. Also we have to take photos of  from around to symbols from around the college area. We had to draw the person next to us.

I will put draws on soon....

Wednesday 4th September 

Today is Wednesday and so far it's been fun, I started  to make a blog to say what we are doing with our work, and image that we like. I like doing things like this.

Thursday 5th September 
Today it my day off college but I am doing some more work for the summer project about Neasden Control Center. I just love their work. I did my copy of their work in Photoshop using my XP graphic tablet, later I will be doing some drawing of their work using pencil and will update later on how it go's.

Friday 6th September/ Sunday 8th September
I started to finish all my work for the summer project for Monday. I've uploaded all my posters for the summer project and needed to get them printed at college, a long with my old photo's that are on my USB. 

Tuesday 11th September 
Today we showed our work that we did for the summer project and had to say why and how we did it. I talked about what parts I like and why I chose them  for my main poster that I did at home over the week and then pasted them into a PowerPoint to show my group. I asked to go first because I was so nervous about getting it done and what to say, so I did my first, I overcame my shyness to do my best.
In the afternoon, me and the group went to the LRC to get some books for a collage.
Definition : A form of art in which various materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric are arranged and stuck to a backing.

an example of collage is shown below

Wednesday 12th September 
To day making 3D and 2D models out of paper like Peter work. We had to make our own 3D/2D  art from paper models. I didn't do so well so I'm going to research on 3D models to help me think of some ideas that will links in with my work and brief.

Thursday 13th September
Today, I am doing some sketchbook work in Photoshop. I have made an old looking background/ collage to like with the project brief, New and Old.

page 1
This is going to be my opening page to my A3 sketchbook.
it came out better then I thought, so this is a big improvement for me, I have it linking into the brief. 

What I like and why??
I love the colors I've used, to me it give the theme of old and new and I will remember this for my big piece.
What I need to work on and why??
I need to start working on taking my own images, and do the same thing to make it primary resources and not use secondary sources as much.  
the images for from Google

the image above shows how I've made the other 2 posters and this is all I've done to make it look old and new.
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I made a mind map with the my ideas for my final pieces. I'm thinking of doing something to do with paper like Peter's work because it was not as hard as I thought, also I will add the bright colors and shapes like Neasden Control work, however I may also try and add some of why not associates.
I would started by making the template on paper (or for secondary sources, I may find a free template and work from that) , scan it in to Photoshop. then I will take some photos of Newcastle and the college shop etc. for primary resources. After I will copy them across to my PC or mac at college, them edit in Photoshop ( making some looking old for one modern and some looking new for another modern, so it would link with the brief )  make a collage from the edited photos on the 3D moderns. I don't know if i will get it all done it 2 weeks but I with try my best I can get start as soon as I have took some photos. I may have time tomorrow, if not then on Monday at dinner and then I can start in class. 
I need to write this in my sketchbook to show how I did it and so on.

the hard part is gluing all the work I've made in my A3 sketchbook, however I can do that at home. 

Tomorrow I'm also doing my thumbnail sketches and may try to make a mini modern for a test.

Friday 13th September

Today, I have took some photos of old and new builds in Newcastle. I got a lot of photos but new to take some more newer builds. I have been editing photos all day and made them as a paint brush, this is more for the older look modern. I have not long done both new and old template moderns. All I have to do is write about how I have made them it. I will do that in the morning. I have find a template for a Japanese website and coped the template in XP paint.

Template is below:

This is my photo after I have edited them



My Old and New templates

I didn't understand the brief right but my main pieces where still two robots but not using the templates above and the image I made. I instead made my own template and used a old and new color paper. the pic is of my  main piece below.


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